Friday, October 12, 2007

Happy 9 months, little man!

Nine months old! Connor is already nine months old!!!

I am amazed at how fast the time has gone!

We got Connor weighed and measured today, and his stats are as follows:

Weight: 16lb 14oz
Length 28in.
Head circumference: 43.5cm

So Connor gained a whopping 3 ounces this month! But, I am not surprised considering that this little guy never stays still, and barely even stops for a nap during the day! So, we only have one inch left before he needs to go into his new carseat. We think we might make the switch this weekend, but we'll see... It sure is nice to get him all packed up in the house and then just click him into the base and go!

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Since today was Friday, we spent the day at Oma and Opa's house!!

Oma and Opa kept Connor company while he had his bottle and his lunch:
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Opa was making Connor smile with his funny noises!
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Then Oma made Connor giggle when she made funny noises too!
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You can see in this picture Oma's cheeks are puffed out! Connor thinks it's quite amusing!!
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Then we saw some blue jays in the yard, but I was only fast enough to catch one!Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

After lunch, Connor got in some reading:
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We also helped rake the yard, but Mommy forgot to bring the camera outside!

Then he discovered a cutie pie in the mirror, so he had to touch the mirror everywhere!
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And then he thought he'd give crawling a try(but that never lasts long!)
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He had to go back to the mirror, the baby in there is just too adorable!!
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Shortly after, we headed home, and even though it was late, Connor had a quick bath:

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He soon let us know it was well past his bedtime, so he got in his jammies, and went to sleep! Not a bad day for a 9 month old!
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