Sunday, September 16, 2007

What a funny little guy!

Check out this video from today! Connor has been doing this a lot lately, and it's hilarious!

Not too much else is new. Connor tried chicken today! He made the most hilarious face with the first bite, but after I thinned it a bit with water, he seemed to like it okay. It always takes him a few days to warm up to a new food! It will be better once I can mix it with other things, and season it a bit, too!

He's still standing up, or at least trying to stand up, on pretty much everything, and he is so close to crawling, but when he wants to go somewhere, he just flops to his belly and pulls himself, so I wonder if he might skip crawling altogether!

Here are some pictures from the last couple days:

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I love this picture, because there is a piggy tail in it, and because Connor is sucking in his bottom lip again! I love when he does that!
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Hee Hee! There he goes again!
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Here he is chewing on his foam floor mats! His off-the-shoulder look is because he stretches all his shirts when he pulls himself along the floor!
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I gave Connor an egg carton to play with, but little did I know that the best before date stamp would wear off when Connor sucked on it!
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Connor loves this piggy bank from his Grandma and Grandpa Smith. Here he is smacking the coins in to the slot!
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Here is Connor trying to break out of our new baby gate!
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And here is what Connor does when he should be napping! His little legs fit through the slats in all sorts of different ways!
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That's all for now!! G'night!!

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Cute baby! Nice gate!