Hi Everyone!
Well, it's been absolutely ages since I have posted, life has been very busy lately! But, I do have plans to update more often in the future, I promise!!
A quick update for those of you that don't already know - Connor is going to be a big brother in mid-August!! I'm finally not sick any more, and things have generally slowed down, so I really intend to get on here more often!
As for Connor, he is talking up a storm and doing pretty normal 2 year old things!! We've had him to a nutritionist because of his lack of weight gain, and using the tips we got, it seems like he is starting to slowly creep up the percentile charts again. He will always look small because he is higher on the charts for height than weight, but hopefully we can at least keep enough weight on him that he won't lose weight when he's active all summer!
That's all for now! I have lots of pictures that I will get up as soon as possible!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Connor meets his first (and second!) buffalo!
We decided to take a trip to Elk Island park today to test out our new camera, (a Canon EOS Rebel XSi) and to get some fall pictures before the snow flies!I had to work so we jumped in the car as soon as I got home and we got to the lake just in time to snap a few pictures, and see a gorgeous sunset!

And then we got quite an unexpected surprise!
Two buffalo decided they would stroll right up for a drink at the lake, so we got some really neat pictures! Here are just a few...

Watch out for the glass...

And since it has been forever since I posted pictures, here is a little Connor fix! THese pictures are from Thanksgiving weekend.

Today Connor and I got our flu shots, and Connor was very brave! He only cried for a few seconds, and then we got to play with an adorable little girl and her adorable toy purse! Connor was pretending to put on giant fake lipstick and it was very funny!
Connor's night sleep has not been great lately, he seems to wake up in the middle of the night most nights, but all it takes is a smooch and his soother back, and he settles down again. He also has been waking up earlier than usual, and he wakes up sad, when he used to just start talking to himself in the mornings. He has cut one eye tooth on the bottom, so I am sure that has something to do with it. I know the rest are following shortly, but hopefully after the canines come in we can take a little teething break!
Other than that, there is not too much new going on! I have received one photo from our wedding photographer, and more should be following soon, so I will save that for a post of it's own!
Two buffalo decided they would stroll right up for a drink at the lake, so we got some really neat pictures! Here are just a few...
Watch out for the glass...
And since it has been forever since I posted pictures, here is a little Connor fix! THese pictures are from Thanksgiving weekend.
Today Connor and I got our flu shots, and Connor was very brave! He only cried for a few seconds, and then we got to play with an adorable little girl and her adorable toy purse! Connor was pretending to put on giant fake lipstick and it was very funny!
Connor's night sleep has not been great lately, he seems to wake up in the middle of the night most nights, but all it takes is a smooch and his soother back, and he settles down again. He also has been waking up earlier than usual, and he wakes up sad, when he used to just start talking to himself in the mornings. He has cut one eye tooth on the bottom, so I am sure that has something to do with it. I know the rest are following shortly, but hopefully after the canines come in we can take a little teething break!
Other than that, there is not too much new going on! I have received one photo from our wedding photographer, and more should be following soon, so I will save that for a post of it's own!
Friday, September 19, 2008
A busy summer, and many changes!
Well, I am pretty sure that you all had just about given up on any new posts from me! Some new and exciting things are happening and I just had to make the time to post about them because I want to make sure that I always have this blog to look back on!
So, it was a busy summer, and it has been many months since I last posted. The reason for this is because at the beginning of the summer Derek and I finally decided to start planning our wedding, and that wedding date is almost here! One week away to be exact! So, as you can imagine, planning a wedding in 4 months does not leave much time for blogging! I am so excited to make our family official, and with the planning all but finished, I just knew it was time to get to blogging again! I will be sure to post pictures of the 'Day the Mellott's became official' once we get them back from our fabulous photographers, Penny McKelvie and Aspen Zettel of Centree Photography.
But, enough about Derek and I, I know what you really want to hear about is our little man, Connor! He is now 20 and a half months old, and in the last three weeks has had gotten 4 molars! He was not a happy camper during this time, as you can imagine, but he seems to be through the worst of it, at least for the time being. It looks as though the bottom eye teeth are soon to follow, and I have heard these are the worst, so there could be some rough nights ahead!
This summer Derek bought one of those above ground pools for our backyard, and after a few shaky first dips, Connor began to love it! Derek even made a solar heating panel to help warm the water, and it most definitely helped, but the water was still quite chilly, nonetheless. We didn't seem to have enough consecutive warm days to keep the pool at a comfortable temperature. So, at the end of August, we took the pool down untikl next summer.
Today Conor and I decided to finally go to the Harbour Pool in Fort Saskatchewan! It was also quite chilly, but after a while Connor really started to like it! When we were getting dressed to go home, Connor would say, "More, More!" and point back to the entrance of the pool! We went during an hour onh Public Swim session, and there could not have been more than 15 people in the pool, which was really great! But, alas, it was too short, we had to go just when Connor was really starting to feel comfortable! I promised Connor we would be back before too long, because we both had a really great time!
Well, that is all for now, as always, I willbe back as soon as I can, but there's no saying how long that will be!
So, it was a busy summer, and it has been many months since I last posted. The reason for this is because at the beginning of the summer Derek and I finally decided to start planning our wedding, and that wedding date is almost here! One week away to be exact! So, as you can imagine, planning a wedding in 4 months does not leave much time for blogging! I am so excited to make our family official, and with the planning all but finished, I just knew it was time to get to blogging again! I will be sure to post pictures of the 'Day the Mellott's became official' once we get them back from our fabulous photographers, Penny McKelvie and Aspen Zettel of Centree Photography.
But, enough about Derek and I, I know what you really want to hear about is our little man, Connor! He is now 20 and a half months old, and in the last three weeks has had gotten 4 molars! He was not a happy camper during this time, as you can imagine, but he seems to be through the worst of it, at least for the time being. It looks as though the bottom eye teeth are soon to follow, and I have heard these are the worst, so there could be some rough nights ahead!
This summer Derek bought one of those above ground pools for our backyard, and after a few shaky first dips, Connor began to love it! Derek even made a solar heating panel to help warm the water, and it most definitely helped, but the water was still quite chilly, nonetheless. We didn't seem to have enough consecutive warm days to keep the pool at a comfortable temperature. So, at the end of August, we took the pool down untikl next summer.
Today Conor and I decided to finally go to the Harbour Pool in Fort Saskatchewan! It was also quite chilly, but after a while Connor really started to like it! When we were getting dressed to go home, Connor would say, "More, More!" and point back to the entrance of the pool! We went during an hour onh Public Swim session, and there could not have been more than 15 people in the pool, which was really great! But, alas, it was too short, we had to go just when Connor was really starting to feel comfortable! I promised Connor we would be back before too long, because we both had a really great time!
Well, that is all for now, as always, I willbe back as soon as I can, but there's no saying how long that will be!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Did someone say pictures???
I know, I know, it's been a really long time since I have posted, yet again! I do come back eventually though, I can always promise that!
Connor is continuing to amaze us on a daily basis with the things he knows and understands, not to mention the silly things he does! Just yesterday he was walking around with his jacket on his head giggling like crazy! He absolutely loves to play peek-a-boo, even if he thinks no one is watching(but I always am!!)
He has figured out how to open the safety locks on the cupboards, and how to pull out the chair from the kitchen table and climb up on it, and then on to the kitchen table! What a little monkey he is!
And, speaking of monkeys, he will go "ooo ooo aaa" if you ask him if he is being one! He also makes the sound of an elephant, and will occasionaly say "raaa" when you ask him what a lion says! He learned all three of these animals because he points to their pictures on his high chair seat!
I know there are many other new adorable things that Connor has learned, but they always seem to slip my mind when I finally decide to sit down and write about it!
I do, though, finally have an absolute TON of photos to share! Some are relatively new, and some are not so new.
These few are from mid-March when Connor was just learning to walk. He would chase a ball around all day if you let him! I really love this set of photos, and it's amazing how much older he looks now, only a couple months later!

And these next ones are from April, by this time he is pretty much running, and LOVES his walks outside!

We came back from camping a day early, so on the holiday Monday we spent some time in the backyard.

Then we let the sun warn up the water for a while, and played with some bubbles...

And did some yardwork.

Then into the pool!! Connor didn't like sitting down in the water, so he did a lot of squatting! Next time we will add some warm water from inside!

These last few pictures are of Connor and his pal James, hanging out at the skate park in St.Albert.

Well, that's all for now! Hopefully it won't be too long until next time!
Connor is continuing to amaze us on a daily basis with the things he knows and understands, not to mention the silly things he does! Just yesterday he was walking around with his jacket on his head giggling like crazy! He absolutely loves to play peek-a-boo, even if he thinks no one is watching(but I always am!!)
He has figured out how to open the safety locks on the cupboards, and how to pull out the chair from the kitchen table and climb up on it, and then on to the kitchen table! What a little monkey he is!
And, speaking of monkeys, he will go "ooo ooo aaa" if you ask him if he is being one! He also makes the sound of an elephant, and will occasionaly say "raaa" when you ask him what a lion says! He learned all three of these animals because he points to their pictures on his high chair seat!
I know there are many other new adorable things that Connor has learned, but they always seem to slip my mind when I finally decide to sit down and write about it!
I do, though, finally have an absolute TON of photos to share! Some are relatively new, and some are not so new.
These few are from mid-March when Connor was just learning to walk. He would chase a ball around all day if you let him! I really love this set of photos, and it's amazing how much older he looks now, only a couple months later!
And these next ones are from April, by this time he is pretty much running, and LOVES his walks outside!
This last one cracks me up! We have a little "book rack" type thing next to the couch, where we keep some of Connor's books and small toys. It's not very big at all, but, neither is Connor! He loved emptying it out and sitting in it to read books! What a cutie!
This next set of photos are from Connor's first camping trip, he had so much fun!
His first quad ride with Daddy! And yep, he is in a Snugli! 16 months old and plenty of room to spare!
Connor would wake up super early in the mornings, like 5:30 or 6:00am, so we would go for a dewey morning walk and sometimes he would fall back asleep for a while.
Here he is in the swing at the little playground out at 'the farm'. He loved it!
But, I think his favorite thing to do was go walking along all the trails. He and Leo had a blast!
What a cutie!
We came back from camping a day early, so on the holiday Monday we spent some time in the backyard.
Connor always likes to help out, and was quite good at filling up the pool!
Then we let the sun warn up the water for a while, and played with some bubbles...
And did some yardwork.
Then into the pool!! Connor didn't like sitting down in the water, so he did a lot of squatting! Next time we will add some warm water from inside!
These last few pictures are of Connor and his pal James, hanging out at the skate park in St.Albert.
Well, that's all for now! Hopefully it won't be too long until next time!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Connor Loves Camping!
May Long Weekend, the first long weekend of summer, has come and gone... We took Connor camping for the very first time! In fact, it was his very first night away from his crib, and I am happy to report things went remarkably well!! I think Connor was just so exhausted from spending all that time outside that he didn't care where he slept! He did wake up very, very early in the morning though - pretty much as soon as the birds started chirping!
Connor had a blast playing in the sand, going for walks, and he loved the swing at the playground! But, Mommy's favorite part were the naps together in the hammock! It just doesn't get better than that! I was so worried that Connor wouldn't nap at all during the day, but no one can resist the calming, lulling sway of a hammock in the outdoors!
I will admit, camping just became a whole lot more work than it was pre-baby, but it was a ton of fun!(We just had to come home a day early to recoup!)
Pictures to follow shortly!
Connor had a blast playing in the sand, going for walks, and he loved the swing at the playground! But, Mommy's favorite part were the naps together in the hammock! It just doesn't get better than that! I was so worried that Connor wouldn't nap at all during the day, but no one can resist the calming, lulling sway of a hammock in the outdoors!
I will admit, camping just became a whole lot more work than it was pre-baby, but it was a ton of fun!(We just had to come home a day early to recoup!)
Pictures to follow shortly!
Sending Love Notables.
I thought it was time to unveil the reason why my posts have become so few and far between as of late!
Most of you know that I have returned to work, but what not everyone knows is that I am actually working two jobs! My out-of-home job at the University Of Alberta Hospital, and my new passion, a home based business creating one-of-a-kind photo cards for any and every occasion! Birth announcements, birthday invitations, and holiday cards are the most popular, but I also create wedding invitations, thank you cards, and so much more!
Becoming a full time WAHM(work-at-home-mom) would be a dream come true for me, but I know that I have a lot of work ahead of me yet! I absolutely love what I do, and, as you can imagine, it takes up a great deal of my evenings, unfortunately taking away from my blogging time!
I hadn't intended on turning this blog into an advertisement for my business, but since Connor is the inspiration behind the website, and the motivation to attain my WAHM goal, it felt like it was time to mention it here.
So, without further ado, I would like to share with you my website, and a few samples of my work. Thanks for looking!

And - A Connor update is coming soon, I promise!
Most of you know that I have returned to work, but what not everyone knows is that I am actually working two jobs! My out-of-home job at the University Of Alberta Hospital, and my new passion, a home based business creating one-of-a-kind photo cards for any and every occasion! Birth announcements, birthday invitations, and holiday cards are the most popular, but I also create wedding invitations, thank you cards, and so much more!
Becoming a full time WAHM(work-at-home-mom) would be a dream come true for me, but I know that I have a lot of work ahead of me yet! I absolutely love what I do, and, as you can imagine, it takes up a great deal of my evenings, unfortunately taking away from my blogging time!
I hadn't intended on turning this blog into an advertisement for my business, but since Connor is the inspiration behind the website, and the motivation to attain my WAHM goal, it felt like it was time to mention it here.
So, without further ado, I would like to share with you my website, and a few samples of my work. Thanks for looking!
(Click on the thumbnail for a larger image)
And - A Connor update is coming soon, I promise!
Birth Announcements,
photo cards,
Sending Love Notables,
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